The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4122709
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
12-Oct-21 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

Divesting myself of items; took a big bunch to thrift shop last week, and have sorted through some more bins in shed, and outgrown clothes are being re-homed; not a chance I will lose another 20 pounds! Leslie stopped by today to pick up the electric lawn mower for our friends who have been borrowing hers! I do not have the energy to mow; Steve can do it with his various machines. And Les took some fabrics for Pat's projects. Pat is a hoarder so I depend on Lesley to determine what it is OK to pass along. A very nice down jacket needing a repair I will never do but Pat is dedicated to repairing clothing.

Opening a box of "archives" on Sunday, I pulled out a couple news clippings from 1982. They happened to be pertinent to the folks who had invited me to dinner! So I took them along and gave them a bit of personal history! Fun!

The roof ext on the studio is complete and wonderful! I look forward to a winter of not having to fight the ice and snow to get in the door! And Dan pointed out that I could sit under it - be dry outside in the rain. Quite enough space for two chairs. A mini porch!

Two boxes of Quaker booklets in the car to go to Montreal? But at this moment: they might be better received in Toronto. I'll think on it.

Did a laundry today to have clean bed sheets! Having put the "umbrella" clothes drying rack away for the winter, I hung things over the wood pile! They dried quickly in the sun. But talking about it with Lesley, I realized that the one I use indoors could easily be used outside as well. Good idea!

Gorgeous fall day! I finished the mugs that were in process but have not tried to throw anymore. Discovered a few days ago that the under the right arm lymph nodes are swollen - hence the discomfort>pain in right arm/shoulder/right side. A hot bath helped greatly and the heating pad also helps. Visiting the nurse practitioner tomorrow for some general consideration of this aging body.

My #2 son's good friend Jeff from grade 7-8 just informed Taun his mom (92) died. Taun phoned me - to tell me? or to tell me he and Tenley would like to come to Chateauguay for Christmas. Jeff may come also. That is a good plan so I can give Taun anything I may have that he would want. That has been on my mind. It will be nice to meet Tenley as well (I hope).

Still not sure when I will go back to Dupont. It is beautiful here.