The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31516   Message #412284
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Mar-01 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: BUSH-tipping
Subject: RE: BS: BUSH-tipping
MAV - Gotta love those Democrats & Republicans...or liberals and conservatives...or whatever you call 'em. The dispute rages on. It's like the Civil War never ended, which is what happens when you eternally divide a public between competing political parties who basically hate one another. It's an unwise way to run a society.

My dog refuses to vote for any of 'em. So do I. Not that I don't vote, mind you, I just usually vote for various people who are guaranteed to lose...seeing that the System doesn't support them with billions and billions of $ worth of politicial propaganda on TV and the other media. I vote for those people because they are not pawns of the System.

The Machine won in Florida. It would've won if Al Gore had been the winner too. The Machine always wins in corporate USA, and in its branch plant, Canada.

That's what I meant by elections being fixed, MAV. I was not speaking of fraud at the polling booths, but of manipulation of people's minds long before they get around to casting their votes. A sensible populace that had not had their brains addled by the media all their lives would probably not eat McDonalds hamburgers either...or go running around buying Gap clothing and smoking cigarettes. The heaviest advertising is aimed at teens, in an effort to program them for a life of folly which keeps the economy moving along. The modern consumer economy requires its public to be addicted, helpless, and stupid. A nation of budding Homer Simpsons in the making.

Commercial propaganda sells product. Bush and Gore were political product. The same thing happens in Canada, on a smaller scale, but in much the same fashion.

I know you think that sounds cynical. I am cynical about our social system (which is run for the sake of MONEY, not in the interest of human beings or other equally valuable forms of life). That doesn't mean I'm cynical about individual human beings. I consider us all to be sons and daughters of God, and capable of wondrous things. (George Bush and Al Gore included...if the System would let them...but it absolutely won' would kill them first. As long as they are good little boys and play the game, then's business as usual.)

And I do get humorous now and then, just to ease the tension of life some. No offense intended by that.

- LH

Cow tipping, anyone? Sigh.