The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170509   Message #4123519
Posted By: GUEST
19-Oct-21 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Printing out lyrics in columns
Subject: Printing out lyrics in columns
This is a technical question. I would like to print out lyrics of songs in 2 columns on a sheet of paper, both to save on paper (as I print out the lyrics of many songs) and also to hopefully get all the words of a song on one side of a page thus removing the necessity to turn the page over when people are singing. I have looked up videos about how to do this in Microsoft Word, and though the basics work OK (by Selecting Layout, then Columns, Number of Columns, More Columns, etc), there are some problems which have arisen, e.g. (a) In some cases when there are more words or letters in a particular line than in others, the last word of a line wraps over on to the next line - I have tried increasing the width of columns or decreasing the space between them, but this does not seem to work (b) You need to experiment with the proportion of the text you paste into the document after setting the columns - in the case of one I am attempting at the moment ("Soon May the Wellerman Come") if you try to paste the whole text at once, you end up with only the last verse in the right hand column, which means that most of the right hand side of the page is blank; however if you paste about half of the song at a time it is more or less satisfactory, although in some cases the beginning of a line on the left side of the page does not correspond with the beginning of a line on the right side of the page. I hope I have explained this problem properly although it would be easier if others were able to see it. Any advice would be welcome; I am sure I am not the first person to have attempted this. Just to make it clear, the verses in a song start with the opening verse at the top left, then verse 2 comes directly below verse 1 also on the left, and so on until the bottom of the (A4) page is reached (verse 3 in the case of Wellerman; though the chorus is also between the verses, I have only shown the full version once, after which I simply typed "CHORUS"). Verse 4 is at the top right of the A4 page, and so until Verse 6, followed by the chorus twice) is at the bottom right hand side of the page.