The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4124172
Posted By: Charmion
25-Oct-21 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
My car is in the shop for repair of the wound on its roof where the garage door ripped off the satellite antenna. I have rented a Chevrolet Spark for the interim. It is very small and painted grey so it is nearly invisible on the road. Worse, it has all the acceleration of a drugged snail. I will not be driving it on Highway 401 if I can possibly avoid it.

It is raining and chilly in Stratford today, and likely to remain so for at least a week. This is normal for late October, so I might as well get used to it; the alternative is snow. Which is definitely coming.

Aren't I a little ray of sunshine today?