The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170557   Message #4124843
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Nov-21 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
Subject: RE: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
Well I do eat lobsters, Dick (I prefer crab, actually), and, like most people, have found myself accidentally landing on Facebook when doing something else (such as clicking around Yeo Valley's website, for example, or looking up a particular person of note), and I looked around some pages at someone else's behest (on their iPad) when someone very dear to us died unexpectedly, generating a big flurry of tributes. That sort of thing. So I'm familiar enough with its setup, Dick, but haven't felt the urge to "try" it.

As I said, to me it's one of those things that we didn't have until a few years ago and didn't know we needed. Many moons ago I flirted with Friends Reunited until I gradually discovered that, for example, school pupils were able to post adverse comments about their teachers (I didn't see any about me, but I did stop looking as I found it all a bit distasteful, so who knows...).

I started this after a couple of comments on the Brit thread that it was perhaps not the place to discuss Facebook, but I'm not interested in starting a campaign, Dave. I will react to stuff I hear about Facebook, but I won't be gunning to be a Greta Thunberg. To end this post on a provocative note, I'll just say again: if you subscribe to Facebook you are helping to perpetuate a phenomenon that has caused a good deal of harm, especially to young people and especially in these times of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and the rest. Putting a ringfence around one's own transactions with Facebook isn't going to change that. It's up to individuals to decide whether they can live with that. I know I couldn't.