The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170557   Message #4124844
Posted By: Rain Dog
01-Nov-21 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
Subject: RE: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
"I'll just say again: if you subscribe to Facebook you are helping to perpetuate a phenomenon that has caused a good deal of harm, especially to young people and especially in these times of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and the rest."

You can say much the same about the net/web in general. Where is your censorship going to end? Will you have people checking our emails and/or other messaging systems?

I have never been a member of facebook but i do read some public facebook pages. Most clubs, pubs and other venues use facebook nowsdays. I read the posts on a local history facebook page. I can read all the posts and see all the pics but i cannot search it. I have thought of joining facebook in order to be able to search that page but it is moderated quite strictly. They do not accept new members unless they have a facebook profile which indicates that they also belong to other groups. Catch 22 for me but it does stop bots/spammers joining the page.