The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170557   Message #4124855
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Nov-21 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
Subject: RE: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
When did I mention censorship, Raindog?

I've subscribed to several forums over 20 years and have cheerfully accepted with every one of them that they are not democracies, that it wasn't I who did all the work setting them up/paid for them, and that the moderators have a perfect right to decide what stays and what goes, whether I agree or not. I sign up to that type of transaction knowing that some stuff of mine may well get removed. To me, that's not censorship. In the House Of Commons, for all its yah-boo rough-and-tumble, you will be severely sanctioned if you threaten another member or call them a liar. I don't call that censorship either. Ultimately, rules governing the House and this forum are there to provide a constructive ethos for discussion and, importantly, to keep people safe. Facebook, to a very large degree, lacks these controls, and the upshot has been a good deal of abusive, bullying and threatening behaviour, resulting in a massive threat to the mental health of many thousands of people, not to speak of the widespread peddling of misinformation about vaccines, bogus remedies for Covid-19 and hoax theories. I'm simply bemoaning the fact that Facebook is not properly controlled. Censorship is the deprivation of free speech. Responsible moderation on public websites is not the same thing. That is severely lacking on Facebook and that in itself threatens freedom for millions of people.

Sure, Dave, there are lots of things in life you can aim your criticisms at. Can't deny that. But we do have individual choices. As I keep saying, a few years ago before Facebook existed we all sort of went around happily not knowing that we "needed" it. Well I don't need it, yet that hasn't turned me into a recluse...