The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167618   Message #4124857
Posted By: Donuel
01-Nov-21 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: New news *not* about the virus
Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
There is news and then there is what seems like news to me...
Little did Clem Kiddlehopper know he was linked to quantum mechanics and the many worlds theory of reality but now the randomness is clearly seen in our politics culture wars and humor of today.

Beyond Steven Hawking's explanation of the black hole information paradox, we are now at the end of the beggining of its solution

has helped me explain how black holes turn matter into space that expands space time in the form of dark energy that is accelerating by means of escape inside of WORMHOLES. I never knew how the space got out of the interior of a singularity before. Moreover the space contains information but we do not currently know how to decode space information as we do with particles.

So instead of Hawking's theory of escaping black hole radiation 'I' see it as escaping emergent space. Ergo space time is emergent and
gravity is emergent and probably every other god damn thing is emergent. Perhaps this is why we have so many 'emergencies'. :^}