The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170557   Message #4124859
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Nov-21 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
Subject: RE: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
I'm not shouting, Doug, and if you're not wanting to listen then good for you. If most people feel that way, the thread will fizzle. I'm fine with that too.

I put my money into banks rather than under the mattress. I can earnestly search around for the most "ethical" bank but that's not easy unless you're prepared to take ethical claims at face value, which I'm not. Likewise with Teachers' Pensions. I can't do much about that. Islamic banks refuse to invest in gambling, tobacco and alcohol businesses, but they are Sharia-compliant (anyone can invest in them, not just Muslims, and returns are very competitive). Hmm. Tough, innit. I can't check the ethical credentials of everything I buy in Morrisons and I know that many things I buy would fall short. Coffee beans, chocolate, almonds, avocados, bananas, flowers from Kenya, you name it...

Life is full of choices but I'm no earth-mother and I definitely make some bad choices from an ethical point of view. Businesses are excellent at concealing their dubious ethics. Facebook's dubious ethics stare us right in the face. "I use it even though I know it does a lot of harm" is at least honest. I'm not so sure about "I use it but only in a circumscribed way." You're contributing to the upkeep of Facebook just as much as the most avid anti-vaxxer! Great as long as you admit it. I suppose we all adjust our morals to suit our convenience....