The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170557   Message #4124869
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Nov-21 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
Subject: RE: BS: Let's ditch Facebook
So how is this website "policed," Raindog? (That's rhetorical, if you don't mind...). I don't equate moderation with policing. As I've said, Facebook can well afford to have armies of moderators. There's the option of premoderating posts and there's the option of swift moderation of everything that can be seen by the general public. Even arbitrary is good. As I've said before, if your bad stuff is swiftly removed, your motivation for posting more bad stuff is reduced. There is no will to go even tiny distances along those paths, though, is there? Remind me, what were the profits for the last quarter?