The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4125073
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Nov-21 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
My television sits on a sturdy old coffee table I inherited from a friend when she moved away. The drawer is full of coasters, card games, and small puzzles. The television sits at a height a bit below my seated height. I started with the television on a taller cabinet and found it wasn't as comfortable to watch as I hoped (though I could see it from around the room better.) This article has been updated since I first found in in 2011 (because, of course, I kept a copy of it in the drawer of the cabinet that I decided not to leave the TV on). TV Viewing Distance Guide More than just a matter of personal preference! When I bought my 42" plasma television in 2011 it was considered plenty large. The huge ones they sell now cost less than that one did.

The wall above the fireplace is stone and mortar and ugly as can be (they varnished the limestone - ugg) so I have a series of three up-lights (meant to be used inside a china cupboard to shine down on the cupboard contents) to give interesting shadows to the wall.

I find I do most of my exercising in the bedroom where I have a space for the yoga mats (on top of a Persian carpet - lots of padding) so I'm considering moving a larger television in there to run the videos I'm planning to use (or a streaming program if I subscribe.) But I'm not ready to buy any more televisions, there are plenty around the house. I'll just swap with another room. By exercising in my bedroom with the door closed I also don't have dogs trying to steal kisses any time I'm on the floor or down at a level near their faces. You should see me trying to put on socks and shoes when they're around.