The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4125578
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Nov-21 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
I've had trouble hearing my computer speakers because I used the speakers on my big monitor and the desk was in the middle of the room. There was nothing for the sound, coming out of the back of the monitor, to bounce off of and back to me. When I rearranged the office it got much better, but I had ordered a new set of Logitech speakers (with a big sub-woofer) and they arrived today. I don't have a speaker/headphone jack on the back of this computer so I have to plug it into the front port (more cables in view this way). I was thinking these were also WiFi, but no, just plug in. They work, and I'm going to donate an old set in the equipment closet to Goodwill (like my buying shoes program - if I bring in a new pair I need to get rid of one that is worn out or doesn't fit as well as I'd hoped.)

That closet has old hardware and tons of cables and I should get rid of a lot of it; then something comes along and I dive in to find exactly the right cable and am reassured that all of this is still useful. Well, it saved buying one cable again if I'd gotten rid of several dozen. Today I cleared some stuff when I drove a bag of e-waste equipment down to the semi-annual e-waste collection day at the museum where I volunteer. (I usually take this over to the e-waste bin in my old university library when I visit, but with COVID I have a big backlog).

The holidays are in view. Last night I made the first batch of pumpkin/sweet potato bread (with dates and walnuts), now four small frozen loaves awaiting distribution. I have cranberry pulp for future batches of cranberry bars (I froze the pulp) and I have sparkling cider for our holiday meal (hopefully in the house with several people, not in a parking lot in our individual cars like last year.)