The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170584   Message #4125601
Posted By: derekpiotr
08-Nov-21 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jim Blake, The Engineer origins?
Subject: Origins: Jim Blake, The Engineer origins?
Curious if anyone can trace the origins of Jim Blake's Message, popularly attributed to the Carter Family but certainly predates them. Some of the pre-war field recordings I have listened to feature versions of this tune, obviously not learned from the Carters.

One version, sung by Mrs. Lena Bare Turbyfill, Elk Park, N.C., 1939:

Jim Blake, your wife is dying
came o’er the wires tonight
brought late down to the office
by a boy who’s death-pale with fright

came rushing up to the office
his face was warm and white
take this message to dad in his engine
for mother is dying tonight

and when I heard that the message
was for my comrade Jim
I made no delay, but hastened away
to take the message to him