The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4125780
Posted By: Charmion
10-Nov-21 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Stilly, your remarks about the butterfly effect and planting trees makes me think about an important lesson I learned at my dear old sergeant's knee.

That lesson is the difference between "span of control", "span of influence", and everything else in the world.

I am responsible only for what goes on within my span of control -- the things I can change. In my span of influence -- the things within the control of others who care what I think -- I am limited to speaking the truth, expressing gratitude when possible, and setting as good an example as I can. In the rest of the world, I can but hope for the best and be thankful for all good fortune that comes my way.

It's close to the ideal expressed in the Serenity Prayer, with a bit more nuance. It helps me keep my nose out of other people's business and my hands off their stuff, and ensures that I don't lose sleep over events beyond my reach, such as man's inhumanity to man and climate talks in Scotland.

In other news, the choir is just about ready to hire our Hot Prospect with the hope of mounting a concert next spring, possibly for Easter. Unfortunately, the rate of COVID infections has stopped declining in Ontario, although severe illness is now rare, so the pandemic isn't over yet and we can't plan with any degree of confidence. I spent the last few days writing and revising the contract we want our Hot Prospect to sign, and I must say that its conditional content -- statements such as "subject to permission from the Medical Officer of Health --is uncomfortably high.

I have lost nearly 25 pounds since 15 September 2020 -- that's all the lockdown flab gone -- and another size in trousers. My range of clothing options has thus expanded beyond the two pairs of LL Bean jeans I have been wearing since Labour Day. I have trousers in every size from 8 to 14, so shopping is not on the agenda at present. I have about another 20 pounds to go, but I'm in no hurry; I would have to buy some smaller shirts.

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, and the weather forecast is very promising: clear and dry, and not cold. The wonky foot is working well at present, with active discomfort in only one spot, so I shall be on parade with the other old crocks and the local militia. When that's over and I have unkinked my back (an hour in ranks does that to me), I shall treat myself to a beer and a substantial hot lunch.