The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170601   Message #4126039
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Nov-21 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: COP26
Subject: RE: BS: COP26
From being a CND activist and a "nuclear power - no thanks" sort of chap in the 70s and 80s,   I've done a complete Lovelock on nuclear power. I lament the fact that humanity failed to embrace it to anything like the degree needed half a century or more ago and feel that I was utterly wrong-headed. Had we embraced it, and in consequence drastically reduced our dependency on fossil fuels, we wouldn't be anywhere near the crisis we face today. Of course, we shouldn't build nuclear power stations at absolute sea level or in earthquake zones. But the handful of nuclear accidents and the over-hyped "problem" of disposing of nuclear waste have made all the headlines (and call me Mr Conspiracy, but I can't help thinking that those headlines are always enthusiastically driven by the fossil fuel lobby). The nuclear power industry has killed far, far fewer people than the coal and oil industries. All those thousands of miners killed or suffering for life with lung diseases...all those people killed or made sick by air pollution... acid rain... loss of arctic ice... threats to biodiversity all over the planet... no competition. And we face a bleak future now that we've wrecked, via fossil fuels, the planet's systems of checks and balances that kept our atmosphere stable.   Cop 26 is a cop-out, as all such gatherings are. In two or three years' time we'll still be hearing that atmospheric carbon dioxide is still reaching record levels year on year, as it has done every year for years. Nuclear waste has nothing on the most dangerous and all-pervading waste of all, namely carbon dioxide.

I found out last week that the electricity provider I'm signed up with is zero-carbon and that my juice comes mostly from nuclear. I'm very happy with that!