The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96167 Message #4126066
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
13-Nov-21 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Guy Fawkes Day 5 November
I've just been revisiting this thread and noticed the following
Well done Steve. Another one driven away by your non-stop boorishness and judgmental preaching. Hope you’re proud of yourself.
I think that is very unfair, John. It was me that brought up the incongruous nature of Sen's apparent care for animals while supporting the Tories in their war against the poor and those least able to defend themselves. If anyone is to blame it is me and, yes, I am proud of highlighting blatant hypocrisy where it rears its head. I think her departure was brought on by the fact that the bitter pill of truth was too difficult to swallow. Just my 2p.