The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4126523
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
17-Nov-21 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

A better day today. I actually cooked some yummie food yesterday late aft. I have become prepared for R to not show up but would prefer earlier notice than a text at 11:15 "getting sleepy should I come home?" Told him to go to sleep, put the food in containers and frig. I had eaten at a reasonable time - my idea of reasonable. Went to bed with a book. Thanking him for early notice does not seem to get the message across. Telling him, "I really appreciate..." ...

Got up at the usual time, had my usual BF, finished said book and went to library for more. Cold out there so I was not inclined to do more as the weather started spitting at me. But I did other things: checking the upstairs closet I found a fav coat with moth sign on it and a destroyed pocket from mouse damage. Put it and a couple more that looked in moth jeopardy out to the garage to freeze the moths. Never had a moth problem when I lived in a house that froze when I was away!

Dumped a bucket of wet eggshells on the back garden to deal with in spring. Cooked a pot of black beans for my "magic black bean soup" - just add a quantity of bottled salsa and stir, top with grated cheese. Had some for lunch with some veggies. Brought in an oval glass baking dish - was used for a plant and now will be put into service to winter in the house a terra cotta turtle planter, much beloved by geranium. And brought in a large plastic bin to house many ceramic pots/jardinieres until they are needed. I think I can slide it under the church pew in the hall. Brought in a few more pieces of firewood and battened down the covering on the rest.

Not much more needs to be done before son arrives ---on 20 December with new partner and her/their dog Duma. I again texted him to please bring the family photo albums so I can "wallow in memories". They are leaving on 24th - short visit and, I fear, they will have tons of traffic crossing the border. Both sons had the option, some years ago, of Canadian citizenship - and blew it... and wish they had gotten it.

Cosy in the den with the fire perking, looking out at a very grey, breezy aft; leaves mostly off maples in front, and back also; different types. BLEECH out there!!