The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4126985
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
22-Nov-21 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

Still here but hoping to leave tomorrow or Weds - depending on precipitation.

SRS: I have not cooked a US Thanksgiving dinner in over 50 years - even those when I lived there -2000- 2009. In fact cooking is permanently on my mind to have food in frig for R but After the years of cooking at the Yellow Door and at the luncheonette I mistakenly bought - 1975-7 - I cook as it is necessary and VERY simply. And more and more so.

Two years ago, when son#2 and family were visiting at Christmas, DIL wanted turkey dinner. I let her do the dinner she chose, not fully realizing how lousy a cook she is, and after 28 years together, she was not recognizing that my son is vegan. It was an interesting dinner. I just stayed out of the way.

Nice to read that wysiwig is in recuperation.

So, I was reminded to text son and suggest his timing is dreadful re the border. return message already - "will discuss it with Tenley". You see, this thread frequently reminds me of something to do/get done.

I will continue to think of getting the house tidier - it's coming along - and a little bit Christmassy - asked R to retrieve "Christmas bin" from cellar. Last year's pointsettia(?) has a dash of red on one leaf! It is very alive and healthy, and Green! The first time I have even kept one alive!

A great flock of birds - unidentifiable to me (most are) - gave us great delight this am as they swooped around the side and back yards and nibbled in the uncut grass. I saw one with a grape in its beak, from the grape vines climbing the side of the house. (I suppose I should go out and pull them down before snow. Today even.) And one robin landed on a vine and looked at us through the window. Maybe I could leave the vines for the birds.

Dumped a bucket of manure on the front garden and spread it out. Going to do a bucket of eggshells in a few minutes. Lovely out. Chilly but not freezing. Scattered blue.

Laundered sheets that someone put on the guest room bed and put them aside to return. Decided not to remake bed until time - will put a quilt over it. And keep bedding and guest towels dust free. The guest "wing" is an addition from 1956 or so; it is relatively free of spider webs and dust. The old part of the house is ...oops! There's another one!! I just clear them when I see them and again and...

Maybe I will have enough energy to throw a few pots this aft...