The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4127107
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
23-Nov-21 - 04:30 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

WOW! I hope Richie can tell (Charmion) how to buy a faucet that will last! I am waiting for one from Wayfair that was just over $100CAD. I am hoping to live long enough to have a new K sink and faucet. (The sink is on the back porch.) The Bathroom sink is still not complete; R LIKES the old faucets and has been trying to get one to function. two years now. An old sink with very nice faucets appeared recently but he has not been inclined to give up...

More importantly: R has realized a roof leak in the addition is causing damage, in addition to serious damage in the front eaves of the house. Now it is November! This is serious but encouragement has been going on since April.... Refuses to hire a roofer. SAD! Maybe if I point out what appears to be damage in the upstairs hallway....

Still no definitive response from son. I am going to Beaver tomorrow! Finally found the energy!! Yesterday's hope to throw pots turned into vacuuming with the unfortunate result that I coughed for the rest of the day right until I finally fell asleep. But the hall is cleaner! The great huge fern (Boston?) given us by a neighbour dropped a great deal of debris while being placed; hoping it will not do too much more. It also blocks most light from that north window! I am getting used to it. It certainly is a presence!

So, a call to service station in Bancroft (the one I have been using most of 40 years!) elicited info: yes they can change tires - next Tuesday; the roads are clear as of today and nothing expected imminently. Good to go! Car mostly loaded. Will not plan to go anywhere if it snows before Tuesday which is also day to get booster shot at the local Legion!! Hope for clear roads that day.

Included in the cargo is the tires, about 6 boxes (I have not counted; R put them in car) of that set of china which I hope my friends will peddle on internet, a bag of stuff for Lesley to distribute to best places. And the laundry! The DR cabinet looks betteer without the dishes and my new shelves are starting to get dressed with old treasures.

Hopefully, I will be able to leave the snow tires at Beaver - if there is little enough snow for me to get them to the back shed. Maybe I will even find the energy to throw a few bowls and mugs that a friend wants in spongeware (blue). I have been energized today by thoughts of going home, probably for a couple weeks. Longer if son decides not to come on 20th.