The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4127823
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
02-Dec-21 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

Survived my booster shot on Tuesday; yesterday am was rough with my left shoulder at whimpering pain level and the right one, strangely only a bit better; NO energy at all but I muddled through the day with the pre-cooked rice and chicken broth, reading, resting, sleeping. This am - right as rain!

A drismal day, I did a load of laundry - bedding mainly - and hung it in house to dry, which it has. At one point the sun came out; wow! I took a sheet out to hang over wood pile and then, when I took out the compost - it was misting again! Brought it back in and hung near wood stove - NOT too near! Dry and house is warm, and rain intermittent. Brought in a good wood supply between showers.

Need to ask Lesley if she can take a bunch more stuff to re-home. I prefer that she makes the decisions as she is coordinated with a community of folks who fix things, make things, re-use things, etc. Better than trashing stuff that can be creatively used.

Had tires changed on Tues! YAY! Now need to decide whether to put the summer ones in the shed here or take them back to Dupont. Where might I be next spring? If the weather is good tomorrow, and my energy, I will put them in the back shed; I have a bunch of stuff to take to Dupont. Still no word from son #2 on arrival time.

#1 son will be 62 on Sunday; sent him an email lest I forget! Will put it in phone that friend Hannah will be 62 on 13th AND Julie (DIL) 63 on 10th! The phone calendar is a big help! Added one Grandson; cannot remember BD for other one. Now two GD! and on GGD but no idea about the other two GGDs! Troy will know. I feel so distant from them.

4pm and I COULD go pot but the lighting in the studio is inadequate. Maybe R can improve it when he comes at Christmas, I think hopefully. OR... need to consider this, look as possibilities. ...