The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4127886
Posted By: Donuel
03-Dec-21 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Its not the kind of bar that serves drinks with a grill on the side and billards, darts and poker in the rear. Its the Holy Ghost of bars that gets lowered first from mountain tops then into the Grand Canyon and now far beneath the ocean. How deep the bar gets lowered is unknown. One would have thought the abysmal depths of the sea would be the end but recent events have proven there is no bottom to lowering the bar. All my life Hitler was the example that the bar could not go lower than Eienstatzgruppen and concentration camp slavery and mass execution.
Then the bar kept going with nuclear weapons and bio weapons and known climate change that only changes its name. There is upward progress but no where near the power of the ever lowering bar. Billionairs are going the wrong way to get a glimpse of the lowering bar so its only a theory to them. You can even get a Nobel Prize for proving the bar is not just going lower but is actually accelerating. The only place left for the bar to go are extra dimensions we do not see, touch or feel. Until we learn how to slow or stop the bar we can't see touch or feel there is no hope of raising the bar except in small hot spots of progress.