The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4128405
Posted By: Donuel
08-Dec-21 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Somewhere in a Michigan basement:

Boys, (yelling) WE AREN"T GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE (mild cheering)
Have you seen big Al's Dealership? Its a empty parking lot. NO CARS!
All because Taiwan won't give us any computer chips. And BLM is only taking a winter break, they'll be back in the Spring to protest us killing them. The Mexicans are still popping off babies in the good ol' USofA and the muslims are still blowing shit up. Now they are prosecuting patriots for shooting black men running down the street and charging parents with murder for teaching their kid how to shoot. We aren't gonna...
"Scuse me Al?"
What is it Norm?
Well I don't think what you said was exactly true.
What are you Norm, an election stealing Lib??
No But...
Keep making your death threat quota and stop thinking Norm. Its time for a beer break...