The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170716   Message #4128515
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Dec-21 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Last Night I Had a Happy Dream
Subject: ADD: Grá-mo-chroí I'd like to see Old Ireland free
The song is #63 in Colm O'Lochlainn's Irish Street Ballads, "Gra-mo-chroi. I'd Like to See Old Ireland Free Once More" (1 text, 1 tune)


Last night I had a happy dream
Though restless where I be.
I thought again brave Irishmen
Had set old Ireland free.
And how I got excited
When the cannons loud did roar.
It's Grá-mo-chroí I'd like to see
Old Ireland free once more.

Cold is the heart that does not love
Its own dear native land.
When her sons are far beyond the sea
All on a foreign strand.
By land or sea where'er they be
They love their fertile shore.
It's Grá-mo-chroí I'd like to see
Old Ireland free once more.

It's true we had brave Irishmen,
As everyone must own,
The Liberator, O'Connell, true,
Lord Edward and Wolfe Tone,
And also Robert Emmet, who
Till death did not give o'er.
It's Grá-mo-chroí I'd like to see
Old Ireland free once more.

Allen, Larkin, and O'Brien died
Their country to set free,
And see to-day brave Irishmen
Are struggling hard for thee.
Both day and night they'll always fight
Until death they'll ne'er give o'er,
It's Grá-mo-chroí I'd like to see
Old Ireland free once more.

We'll not forgot the former years,
They're kept in memory still,
Or the Wexford man of ninety-eight,
Who fought on Vinegar Hill;
With Father Murphy at their side,
And his green flag waving o'er.
It's Grá-mo-chroí I'd like to see
Old Ireland free once more.

Source: #63 in Colm O'Lochlainn's Irish Street Ballads, first published in 1939

I'll transcribe a tune later.