The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4128667
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Dec-21 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
I send extra garden food and groceries I pick up at my discount grocer to a community fridge. Were I to tuck bagged new jackets into the pantry beside the fridge, people who need them would take them. It's an honor system, but it does seem to be working, and the thought that people who need food also need warm jackets is a logical one.

Not BS. The BS is what I just posted in the declutter thread, about the woman (soon to retire) who has her favorites in the docent course she teaches, and I'm not one of her favorites, so she is making my completion of the course difficult. My daughter told me about her way back when, and I figured I could just take the high ground, play along and ignore the bad behavior and get through the course, but she's being a PITA. After she retires this will be a pretty good place to work - two of the most troublesome staff leaving in one year. (The other marched out in a huff last spring after the HR folks told him - again - that he couldn't keep walking into rooms and talking to people without wearing a mask.) Once he was gone - the stories people told - and wondered how he ever lasted so long. Karma was made for these folks - if you are lucky you get to see it at work, but for now, that she's leaving is going to be enough.