The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36608 Message #4129012
Posted By: robomatic
15-Dec-21 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: What's the weather like where you are?
Subject: RE: What's the weather like where you are?
That 20 degrees was a brief spell of "T-Shirt weather". It's been typically a bit colder. Today it may go up to plus 1 degree. Some of the walkers in the dog park use booties on their dogs. The Labradoodle we walk (90% Lab with a curled tail that waves like a starter's flag) does not wear anything and does not appear to want anything. She can't wait to get out on the hard snow path and wait for the ball to be kicked. She loves to jump over snow banks and scatter the loose flakes like so much desert dust. She runs out after other dogs and then turns and charges full speed at us and she brakes and slides as well as a goddamn Yankee (or a blessed Red Sox) into home.
Other dogs seen are quite varied. Great Danes, Viszlas, English Goldens, Rotweilers, Dobermans, Collies, even small dogs. Some of them are wearing cloth 'coats'. One very good good looking dog yesterday looked labrador like but was half retriever half pit bull. Bit right through the chuckit donut toy!