The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167504   Message #4129789
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-Dec-21 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Subject: RE: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
What I think about that is that the government should not be implementing a vaccine passport scheme, or whatever else you want to call it. Let individual institutions make their own rules. If a shop or an event won't let me in without proof of vaccination, I'd defend that to the hilt. When masks weren't compulsory, one shopkeeper attempted to shepherd me out of his shop in order to do business outside his door. Another one politely asked me to wear a mask if I had one (I did). Guess which one got my custom. An establishment seen as being too liberal about vaccination requirements would lose the custom of many of the more cautious. I think a voluntary scheme would catch on, and we'd feel that we were doing it ourselves, rather than having stuff imposed by a thoroughly disreputable government. Let's build that ethos. The public have shown in the last couple of weeks a damn sight more responsibility than the gits in Downing Street. That gives me hope. And you never know: this pandemic could, as we speak, be having its last hurrah.

As for Facebook, etc., its self-regulation is, cynically, way behind the curve. Its damage is well and truly done. Your call now, Facebookers...