The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4130706
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
01-Jan-22 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux

Grey and damp here today also. And was lightly drizzling when R went out after BF to de-clutter the back yard of the fallen tree. Now, the den is cluttered with several large piles of damp wood! (NOT on the wood floor!) At least a week's supply. And he enjoyed doing it!

Pineapple buckwheat cakes for BF were great - unlike the pumpkin buckwheat ones yesterday which I shall snack on until they are gone! A new veggie stew is going well and we have almost finished the turkey! I have put off the pork roast until tomorrow when the planned overs are down to a lower roar.

I seem to be improving; it does help that R was home parts of a couple days and in a better state, making a serious effort to help me find a way to cope with "no life at all!" The days are getting longer. I am concluding that omicron is probably here to stay and I will have to deal with it. But I will never be safe. The chronic cough which I thought I was controlling chose today to become incessant - though it has stopped for a little while.

My #1 son finally phoned yesterday - instead of a little kid crying because mom was gone too long, mom was on the verge of crying because "you always phone on Christmas". They had a great Christmas with family in WA and I missed it/miss family. They are visiting friends who are like family in BC next week and I could not even bother going to the Ile today on such a drismal day - maybe tomorrow... Work is commencing on their new home and my #2 GD is visiting soon with #3 GGD and #4 (in the oven). The anti-vax GD is also an angry woman so a therapeutic environment is planned.

I spent a long time today looking for a "tempo" sort of shed for the back deck - the right size was daunting but I found two possibilities; we have to wait until the stores open on Monday to see if one is actually available. The goal is to put the wood in it and still be able to walk from back door to back steps (12 feet) but not block the window and not be where the ice came crashing down last year.

That's the way the world goes round, up one day, the next your down....

The plants are my therapy; each tiny blossom is greeted with delight. That I have some blue lobelia blooming in a geranium pot gives me joy.

I looked longingly at an older G. Pyrenees on line. Too many hoops! Just as well. I guess that is a clutter of the nth degree! ...