The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168352   Message #4130866
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
03-Jan-22 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: Permathread: Online Events - current listings
Subject: RE: Permathread: Online Events - current listings
One person who has been brightening Saturday evenings worldwide with his short concerts is Scottish musician Dougie Maclean. He is now up to concert no 117 at one per week. Most of these are free, though he does the occasional longer one for a modest fee. And you can still see most of the past episodes, I think. The platforms used are via his Facebook page and YouTube, and usually start at 9pm UK time.
He should have been doing a live concert in Edinburgh's Greyfriars Kirk last Friday evening, as part of the Hogmanay celebrations but this was cancelled owing to the Covid situation, so kind-hearted Dougie did a free online concert from his own studio at Butterstone in Perthshire, starting shortly before midnight and bringing us into 2022.
Here's a link to the most recent one (Hogmanay): he starts talking at 3'57"
Dougie Maclean Concerts

Then there is fabulous musician Tim Edey who has been doing a lot of Saturday evenings too - his so-called "Sleeping Tunes" sessions. Also on both Facebook and YouTube and usually start about 10pm UK time, and sometimes go on well after midnight! Also an appreciative international audience including many fellow professionals. An absolute maestro on both guitar and melodeon, and sometimes we get the occasional song from him, or from his wife Isobel Crowe, who has a lovely voice. (And his tech has improved a lot from the early days when he was the victim of poor broadband connection
Here's a link to his most recent session, but again you can access past sessions on YouTube also:
Tim Edey Sleeping Tunes