The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #37548 Message #4132201
Posted By: open mike
13-Jan-22 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: What is a Shanty
Subject: RE: What is a Shanty
When searching for Chantey Ranger, i found this info about recordings avaiable from Peter Kasin.... in case you would be interested... Since this thread, Richard and I have recorded three more; two available in hard copy and digital downloads, the last one available as a digital download only. Richard's website is, where you can find liner notes, track lists, and digital downloads. I'm the keeper of the CDs, and if you'd like to purchase hard copies, please send me a private message and I'll give you my mailing address. All major cash accepted, lol! Hard copies Arte $20 each, or $17 if ordering all three, and in all cases I'll pay the postage and handling. -Chanteyranger