The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148022   Message #4133113
Posted By: Neil D
20-Jan-22 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winter is here
Subject: RE: BS: Winter is here
Our wind chills have been about 30 degrees below freezing for days. We also had a 14-inch snowstorm 3 days ago, none of which has melted. Taking my wife to work Monday was quite the adventure. Even state routes were not cleared. Some were still bad the next morning. Then this morning, I got stuck behind 3 different township trucks going 25 mph below the limit and throwing salt everywhere, even though all the roads were clean and dry. My wife said they must be expecting another storm and, sure enough, we got an additional 1/4 inch today. Thank god they laid all that salt.
Some of our southern states are also experiencing rare winter weather'
My wife saw a satirical weather warning that said if you live in the south stay at home. Do not go out for any reason for fear of dire consequence. If you live up north it's time to get your big coat out.