The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4133923
Posted By: Rapparee
26-Jan-22 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
There are many questions about the nature of the Universe that I would like answered.

1. Was Erwin Schrödinger a cool cat?
2. Was Werner Heisenberg uncertain of his findings?
3. Was Niels a Bohr?
4. Did Einstein's friends call him Al or Bert?
5. Would Otto lend you a Hahn?
6. Did Max Planck?
7. Were Marie and Pierre Curieous about stuff?
8. Did Isaac Newton discover the fig?
9. Did Ada really Lovelace?
10. Did Wilhelm Röntgen call his discovery "X-rays" because he thought they were pornographic?

So MANY questions still unanswered!