The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61309   Message #4134098
Posted By: Lighter
27-Jan-22 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Tom Bolynn (3)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Tom Bolynn (3)
This is the version Oscar Brand recorded on "Backroom Ballads" in 1949.
It's partly like the one Helen Harkness Flanders collected in Vermont in 1930, and partly rewritten.

Brand's tune sounds like it's based on but improves on Flanders'.

                         TOM BOLYNN

Tom Bolynn was a Scotsman born,
His shoes was tight and his leggins was torn;
His hair cut short and his collar was thin:
I’m a heck of a fella! says Tom Bolynn.


Tom Bolynn, Tom Bolynn, Tom Bolynn hi ho!

Tom Bolynn had no britches to wear,
So he skinned him a sheep to make him a pair,
The furry side out and the skinny side on:
It’s cold in the summer! says Tom Bolynn.


Tom he had an offer to wed,
But he had a better idea instead;
One was pretty, and the other had kin:
I’ll marry you both! says Tom Bolynn.


Tom, his wife, and his wife’s mother too,
Slept all together to keep out the dew;
The weather was cold and the blankets were thin:
I’ll sleep in the middle! says Tom Bolynn.


But his mother-in-law woke up the very next day,
Says, You can’t come in here to stay;
I won’t lie awake or listen to you snore,
Get out and don’t come back no more!


So Tom he crept in a holler tree,
Com-for-tayble tried to be;
The weather was cold, and the rain dripped in:
It’s running water! says Tom Bolynn.


Tom, his wife, and’s wife’s mother
Tried to cross a small bridge together;
The bridge was weak, and they all fell in:
I’m first to the bottom! says Tom Bolynn.


And this is his even more extensively rewritten text from "Bawdy Songs and Backroom Ballads, Vol. IV (1957):

                            TOM BOLYNN

Tom Bolynn was a Scotsman born,
His shoes was tight, his breeches torn;
His fly held closed by the point of a pin:
Makes for speed, says Tom Bolynn.

Tom Bolynn, Tom Bolynn, Tom Bolynn hi ho!

Tom Bolynn went a-courtin’ one night.
The mother and daughter they stripped for a fight.
Screamed and scratched in their naked skin:
I'll marry you both, says Tom Bolynn.


One night returning to his journey's end,
He found his wife in bed with a friend;
The weather was cold, and the blankets thin,
I'll sleep in the middle, says Tom Bolynn.


He went to church just oncet in his life,
When they preached against layin’ with another man's wife:
They called it a shame and they called it a sin.
It keeps 'em happy, says Tom Bolynn.


Now Tom Bolynn had a mangy cur,
With a ratty tail and matted fur;
He lay like dead till a bitch come in:
It's Lazarus risen, says Tom Bolynn.


Now Tom Bolynn he needed a coat.
He borrowed a skin from a neighborin’ goat;
The horns at his middle he set with a grin,
I wish they was mine, says Tom Bolynn.


But the goat skin itched till his skin was sore.
He vowed that he wouldn't wear it no more;
The skinny side out and the woolly side in:
I'll go bare-ass, says Tom Bolynn.

The "goat" stanza is bawdified from "Brian O'Linn"