The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4134603
Posted By: Monique
31-Jan-22 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
"'Santiano' is a 1961 song, inspired by the sea shanty 'Santianna', which uses the same tune. The song tells of a ship from Saint Malo bound to San Francisco, which is described as a place of great wealth. The French-language version was popularized first in the 1960s by Hugues Aufray." (French Wikipedia)
© Lyrics: Jacques Plante (1920 – 2003)

C'est un fameux trois-mâts fin comme un oiseau.
Hisse et ho, Santiano !
Dix-huit nœuds, quatre cent tonneaux :
Je suis fier d'y être matelot

Tiens bon la vague et tiens bon le vent.
Hisse et ho, Santiano !
Si Dieu veut toujours droit devant,
Nous irons jusqu'à San Francisco

Je pars pour de longs mois en laissant Margot.
Hisse et ho, Santiano !
D'y penser j'avais le cœur gros
En doublant les feux de Saint-Malo


On prétend que là-bas l'argent coule à flots.
Hisse et ho, Santiano !
On trouve l'or au fond des ruisseaux
J'en ramènerai plusieurs lingots


Un jour, je reviendrai chargé de cadeaux.
Hisse et ho, Santiano !
Au pays, j'irai voir Margot
À son doigt, je passerai l'anneau

Dernier refrain
Tiens bon le cap et tiens bon le flot
Hisse et ho, Santiano !
Sur la mer qui fait le gros dos,
Nous irons jusqu'à San Francisco

It's a fine three-master thin like a bird.
Heave-ho, Santiano!
Eighteen knots, four hundred barrels,
I am proud to be one of her seamen

Hold fast the wave and hold fast the wind.
Heave-ho, Santiano!
By God's will, always straight ahead,
We will sail until San Francisco

I'm going away for long months, leaving Margot.
Heave-ho, Santiano!
To think of it caused me sorrow
While rounding the lights of Saint-Malo


They say that over there money* flows.
Heave-ho, Santiano!
You find gold at the bottom of the streams
I'lll bring back several ingots


One day, I'll return with my arms full of (lit. "loaded with) gifts.
Heave-ho, Santiano !
At home, I'll visit Margot
At her finger, I will slip the (wedding) ring

(Last chorus)
Hold fast the course and hold fast the waves
Heave-ho, Santiano !
On the sea arching it's back,
We will sail until San Francisco

*In French "argent" means both "money" and "silver" depending on the context.
The translation above has been borrowed from to which I made some changes.

Hugues Aufray, live tv show 1961 (32 year old handsome young man)
Hugues Aufray, live 2020
Hugues Aufray, live 2021 (92 year old still handsome old man)

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