The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170949   Message #4135230
Posted By: Howard Jones
04-Feb-22 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: New rules of the road for the UK
Subject: RE: BS: New rules of the road for the UK
Most of the new rules were already good practice and anyway common sense, but the new Highway Code has drawn more attention to them. Some do concern me though.

In my car, the Dutch Reach doesn't work as my rear view is obstructed by the door pillar, whereas the mirrors give a good view.

The rule about bikes going straight at a junction having priority is badly thought out. Of course the common situation where a car passes a cyclist and then cuts them off should be avoided, but this could encourage bikes to undertake, which is inevitably dangerous.

The rule about giving way to pedestrians about to cross at a junction is also badly thought out. If I'm a pedestrian I want cars to be out of the way before I cross, especially as this doesn't give me priority over cars coming the other way. As a driver, I don't want to be rear-ended by the car behind, or overtaken by an impatient idiot, because I've had to stop for a pedestrian. To add to the uncertainty, the rule says "should" rather than "must", so no one can be sure what will happen.

I can imagine a cross-roads busy with both vehicles and pedestrians becoming completely seized up as all the vehicles turning left from all four roads have to give way to the streams of pedestrians.