The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167504   Message #4135507
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Feb-22 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Subject: RE: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Side effects of a serious nature are vanishingly rare. You're more likely to be run over by a London bus in Bude.

I honestly don't understand the reluctance to get the jab. I listened to the articulate, supercilious and utterly wrong-headed young woman on Question Time last Thursday. So wrong-headed that it's hard to know what to say in response to people like that. Every day I'm consuming pesticide residues on my fruit and veg. Every day I breathe in particulate matter from car exhausts. If I get a headache I might take a paracetamol. My telly might be giving off a bit of ionising radiation. The cleaning materials I use in the house might be slowly poisoning me. All that butter... All potentially deadly (we're variously told), but hey ho, life is there to be lived. A jab doesn't hurt (I haven't even felt any of my three). You are not going to be adversely affected. Jabs are safer than all those things I've mentioned, and they work and they help you to protect others, and you won't die or end up in hospital. What's not to like? If you think your body is such a temple, you'd better go off and live alone in the wilderness and consume nothing bar locusts and wild honey. No beer, wine, whisky (heaven forfend!) or shagging (you might catch something).