The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #621   Message #413556
Posted By: GUEST,bigJ
08-Mar-01 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Anathea (from Judy Collins)
Subject: RE: Lyrics for Anathea stole a stallion
Hi Joe, looking through my own database I see that I have a cassette of a BBC radio programme broadcast on the 19th August 1993, it's called 'Voices from Arcadia' and the presenter is Georgina Boyes, wife of an occasional visitor to Mudcat. According to my listing of the programme it takes THIS form:-
1 Marta Sebestyan sings 'Fly, Bird, Fly'.
2 Boyes talks about Hungarian song of the late 1890's.
3 Haye Lazlo - narrative song.
4 Dave and Toni Arthur sing Lazlo Feyer (my spelling) - song translated by A.L. Lloyd.
5 Bob Dylan sings 'Seven Curses'
6 Boyes talks about the development of Hungarian folkson scholarship.

All I have to do now is try and find the cassette and see if there's anything on it that adds to this discussion.