The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4135728
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Feb-22 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
It will warm up to about 70 by midweek so I'll make a point of walking the dogs and doing some gardening (the asparagus needs attention if I want a crop).

Last night I realized that Pepper had a puncture wound on her neck, and her Invisible Fence collar might have been involved (it had the long prongs on for now). It could also be that the noisy squabble she and Cookie had in the yard a couple of nights ago resulted in a bite that the collar is aggravating. I've taken the usual steps of temporarily removing the collar, cleansing the spot, and adding the pet antibiotic (Panalog). I'll watch and clean and if she needs to see the doctor, try to make that call by tomorrow so I can get in later this week. COVID really shut down the ability to get in to see the regular vet because they're not taking walk-ins (they used to have an extra charge for that, but far cheaper than the emergency vet costs). Pets, like children, have any number of injuries over the years that can be tended successfully at home. I think this is one of those. (As for the dogs, it's the classic case of they can't live with each other and can't live without each other.) Meanwhile, I think my order of heartworm medications has arrived in the mail today. I had to order from Australia because my UK site has closed down. Buying the same products from outside the US costs about 1/3 to 1/2 of the US amount from the vet, but again, COVID. I had to buy from the vet for the last 18 months and it costs a small fortune. The foreign sales weren't going because of no flights. Australia seems to have recovered quicker (and the vet actually told me about this place).

I have a trip to the northeastern section of the county this week for my haircut, so on my way home (I live in the southwestern section of the county) I'll make my usual loop of favorite shops to pick up my next bottle of olive oil, get the Middle Eastern soap I like (also olive oil), etc. I worked over there for 20+ years and that is still where some of my favorite stores are, but COVID has restricted the number of trips I make. The shopping list is growing.   

Since I made cranberry juice last week I had pulp in the fridge to use or freeze, so I made a batch of cranberry bars. Less sugar in the batter was better because the last batch was too sweet (it has to do with the cake mix you use as your dry ingredient). And I roasted chopped walnuts to add. A portion of the batch is in the freezer and I'll share the rest to neighbors. Did I mention that my fat pants are a little snug? I have to give most of these away or burst the seams.