The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170807   Message #4136261
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Feb-22 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
Subject: RE: FITNESS & Declutter 2022 - Pandemic redux
My small engine repair shop has closed! It was a one-man operation and it appears that he has retired. It looked so forlorn and empty, and a search online shows he thanked customers for nearly 40 years of business. I found another place that is a larger business, a mile or so closer in the other direction, and dropped off the equipment that needs work. Terrible parking lot, like the first place. They both seem to require backing into traffic. I'll have to approach from the side when I return to pick up stuff (Google maps shows they've taken over the next door building and I can park on the side of that place easily).

The main reason these tools have the fuel line problems is because of the ethanol in the gasoline. While at the shop I asked and was told about a place on the far west side of the county that sells non-ethanol gas. It's worth the trip and even the expense to keep the equipment running longer.

With the ice you describe, Charmion, I think I'd be tempted to wear a safety helmet while out walking. I lost a great aunt who slipped on ice and hit her head. (The news reported last week that comedian Bob Saget died of that kind of injury, though his heart was a ticking time bomb with a 95% blockage on one side.)

Dogs are demanding their dinner. I must do as requested or they'll be a royal pain. They're right on time - 6pm is dinner time for them. They started this at about 5:59pm.