The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167430   Message #4136827
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
16-Feb-22 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: Maritime work song in general
Subject: RE: Maritime work song in general
“The two Fleets being thus prepard for Battle, they made their Addreffes to their Gods according to Cuftom, the whole Multitude repeating with a Keleufma, or general Shout, the Words of their Chiefs; thefe however feeing the Danger they were in, were in no fmall Concern for the Succefs of the Battle.”
[Antiquity Explained and Represented in Sculptures, Vol.3rd, Montfaucon, 1722]

“celeufna, vel celeumam, atis, neut. genr- L'enhortment des mariners, ou autres gens qui s'efforcent de faire quelque chofe.
celeuftes, celeuftæ, m, ge. Tel embarteur & donneur de courage.
paufarius, A Seneca vocatur qui remigibus modos dat & remigandi officium quadam quafi paufa moderatur.”
[Dictionariolum Latino Gallicum, 1602]

opper bootfman. Celeuftes, g. ftæ, m.”
[Biglotton sive Dictionarium Teuto-Latinum Novum, Binnart, 1661]