The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171007   Message #4136859
Posted By: GUEST,Jenny
16-Feb-22 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Coal mining from woman's point of view
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Coal mining from woman's point of view
Catherine Shaw - think I may have learned this from the singing of Frankie Armstrong?

Come all of you young females
That like to sit at home
With your parents by the fireside
And have no thought to roam
I was brought up in Staffordshire
But there I dwell no more
I'll tell you the adventures
Of pretty Catherine Shaw
I was taken into service
At just thirteen years of age
And as a lady's chamber maid
I firstly did engage
But how my mistress treated me
Well I am ashamed to say
And scarce twelve months I stayed with her
Before I ran away

Well I wandered north and I wandered south
And I roamed the country round
Until I came to Derbyshire
Where there's coal beneath the ground
Where the men they earn good wages
And there's lots of gold in store
And so I got to thinking
That's the life for Katy Shaw

So I bought me a pair of moleskin pants
And a pair of boots beside
With my waistcoat tightly buttoned up
My female charms to hide
Then I cut off my yellow hair
And to the pit did go
And enlisted as a soldier
In the ranks of down below

Well it's many a day I've toiled away
With shovel, pick and blade
And I've worked as hard as any man
Tho I was but a maid
I've worked in seams as hot as hell
Or Egypt's burning drought
But I darestn't take my waistcoat off
For fear they'd find me out

Until one day a fall of stones
Had me pinned to the ground
And all the lads came rushing up
And quickly gathered round
And as they tried to pull me clear
Well you should have heard them shout
For my waqistcoat was all ripped away
And so they found me out

So they took me to the deputy
And he did laugh and smile
To think of how this collier lass
Had fooled them all the whole
then he took me to the gaffer
and he made it very clear
That as far as mining was concerned
T'was the end of my career

But the gaffer's son he fancied me
And he marrioed me out of hand
So now I live in luxury
With servants, house and land
And there's many a collier shakes his head
As he passes by my door
And he thiks of the time he used to work
With pretty Catherine Shaw