The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62149   Message #4137143
Posted By: GUEST,Jeff
19-Feb-22 - 01:23 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Before Eternity (Archie Fisher)
Subject: ADD: Before Eternity (Archie Fisher)
Before Eternity
By Archie Fisher (2008)

I am the moon that sails the night;
I am the stars above you;
I am the sun that brings the light;
I am the one who loves you;
I am the wind that fills the sails;
I am the millwheel's water;
I am the crop that never fails;
I am your sons and daughters.

I am the colors of the dawn;
I am the songbirds’ chorus;
I am the field of ripening corn;
I am the ancient forest;
I am the whisper of the earth;
I am the newborn crying;
I am the springtime of the birth;
I am the autumn dying.

I am the flame that lights the fire;
I am the new tomorrow;
I am your unfulfilled desires;
I am your greatest sorrow;
I am the child who takes your hand;
I am the friend depending;
I am the one who understands;
I am the happy ending.

I am the surging of the sea;
I am the raging river;
I am before eternity;
I am beyond forever;
I am the secret of your soul;
I am the one to win you;
I am a part, I am the whole;
I am the life within you.

I am the moon that sails the night;
I am the stars above you;
I am the sun that brings the light;
I am the one who loves you.