Suzy Boggus is another excellent yodeler. Perhaps as ggod as they get.I founf that when I learned to yodel I would pick a vowel and sing it in a comfortable key. For me the key is "D". I'd then sing the vowel "A" and try to move it up the register in to instant falsetto where the became an "E" sound while stayinging in the key I was singing in.. Then I'd do the same with "O" to wher "O" becomes. "OOO" Then I'd go back to "A" and try to slide between "A" and "E" sounds as often and as easily as I could in one breath. Obtaining the "E" sound is the easiest to start with and can be done off of any consonant or word that has the "E" sound or "A" sound in it. The fellow who helped me along said get a Slim Whitman record and play it as slow as you can to hear what he is doing. Drag your thumb on the turn table if you don't have a deck that gets down to 16 rpms.
Good luck