The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151775 Message #4137655
Posted By: graham_t
24-Feb-22 - 05:36 AM
Thread Name: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
Subject: RE: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
I think it was his son (Calum?) who got the re-issue of Bright Phoebus blocked through legal action. This achieved nothing except to make the album unavailable again. Soon afterwards, he claimed that they intended to put out a series of albums, but of course that never happened. I don't think they even sell the CDRs of albums that they used to.
Sadly, we are now at the stage where many of the artists involved have passed away and most of the groups have split up. This probably makes it very difficult to establish who has the rights to what. That is no excuse for allowing all those recording just to moulder away, somewhere.
My guess is that they think that the effort required in re-issuing the material is much greater than the financial rewards would justify, but for some perverse reason, won't release it to someone who would be prepared to make the effort required.