The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171068   Message #4137735
Posted By: Steve Shaw
24-Feb-22 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
Subject: RE: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
It's been a long day, and I haven't changed my mind much since this morning, except that I think I've underestimated the sentiment of the brave Ukrainians to fight back, which I respect greatly. We've had the telly on all day today, following all this, and rolling news isn't always as informative as you'd like it to be. But the brave BBC Moscow correspondent (Steve Rosenberg) has spoken to a lot of ordinary Russians and has tried to get the feel of their sentiment, and has come to the view that the majority of Russians are bitterly opposed to what Putin is doing. Putin is not Russia, and Russia does not want to be hated by the world. You can't protest openly in Russia without the risk of police thuggery, arrest then God knows what, but I still think that, in the end, the ordinary Russian people will win this.