The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171068   Message #4137745
Posted By: keberoxu
24-Feb-22 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
Subject: RE: BS: Long Night in Ukraine - Feb. 23, 2022
The reason I'm watching this with dread, is that it just happens that
I have been reading, lately, about
the Armistice, the Paris Peace Conference, the Treaty of Versailles, and the League of Nations,
that followed upon the Great War.

Just such a sense of foreshadowing.
It was 1919, over a hundred years ago.
And yet such deep roots for the conflict and intolerance
that are still tearing the world apart today.

Woodrow Wilson, somewhere across the threshold,
must be shaking his head . . .