I'm pacing my news consumption; the assault on Ukraine is a wretched state of events and the best I can do here is watch for good NGOs that might be able to help as far as making donations. Add to that donations to politicians in some of the battleground states. My Congressmember was part of a GOP junket to Russia in 2018 at the very moment the senate was releasing the report that Russia did indeed interfere with the US elections. That group was there to suggest "we don't mind what you did." She needs to retire, and I'd like to help with that.
Last night I worked on more masks (the CDC is now watching hospital capacity as a way to tell people if they should mask or not - I prefer not to get sick and hope I don't end up sick OR hospitalized.) I started a new fabric for my library friends—the print looks like the marbled end paper you see in tipped into old books (or printed in some newer ones.)
Today is still cool but mid-week it'll be up to the 70s and I'll head outside to move a plastic sided compost enclosure in the back yard to start a new enclosure for weeds and kitchen waste. I always struggle to make the piles dog proof, and this time I'll probably make some kind of a wire mesh cap to go over it. It's the time of year to start pulling out the dormant Bermudagrass, a persistent weed that pulls out of the soil most easily after a freeze and rain (our circumstances this week). That weedy grass will go in the bottom of the new bin and I'll empty the kitchen waste buckets into it. It's a messy job but adds up to good compost. The pile that is inside the current bin location isn't of interest to the dogs, being a couple of years old. I'll start breaking it up probably next year (at any given time there are usually four piles in various stages of decomposition, with a new one started each spring.)
Decluttering jigsaw puzzles this week when I'll be headed to my old work town and drop them at the thrift store where I discovered a good supply.