The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151775   Message #4137979
Posted By: The Sandman
27-Feb-22 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
Subject: RE: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
I mention the above because there was a post by an American woman, which cast aspersions on the charcters of those[ including me] who posted about Dave Bulmers business dealings.
I can sleep at night, I have never mistreated anyone on the folk scene everyone, has always been paid ,if you dont believe me contact Andy Irvine.
mean while Nic Jones[ whose music has been suppressed can no longer perform guitar or fiddle because of a car accident, those people that have a go at me, think on that