The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151775   Message #4138014
Posted By: The Sandman
28-Feb-22 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
Subject: RE: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
This thread is the correct place to discuss Dave Bulmer, we have an obituary [living tradition] quoted, which glosses over his business dealings We have an anonymous mmber called Raggytash suggesting I contact the Bulmer family this is unbelievably naive.
The simple truth again with people like Dave Bulmer was you do that and the price trebles., that is how capitalist business money orientated people think.
Meanwhile Nic Jones is unable to perform on guitar and fiddle in his old age, has his music suppressed, this has been going on for over 30 years. the recording that i was part of was made in 1986, in that particular case 42 years.
Jeri   your outburst tells us a lot about you . Obituaries SHOULD tell the truth , NOT PAINT FALSE PICTURES