The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151775   Message #4138015
Posted By: The Sandman
28-Feb-22 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
Subject: RE: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
quote from the obituary
Publicity wasn’t his style; his first love was the music.

It probably isn’t widely known that Dave Bulmer also acquired the rights to material from a number of small record labels who had recorded other aspects of British culture including various recordings of Brass Bands. Dave wasn’t a collector in the sense of a Cecil Sharp or a Peter Kennedy, but he had amassed a vast amount of material in his stores."    The music HAAS BEEN lost it ha beens suppreSsed for 40 years