The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151775 Message #4138045
Posted By: Backwoodsman
28-Feb-22 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
Subject: RE: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
I agree, Steve, artists’ music should be available for publication, not secreted somewhere in someone’s dark, dusty safe.
Has anyone actually approached the Bulmer family? That would seem to be the sensible approach, rather than just pissing, moaning, and venting on an obituary thread on an insignificant, little-known Internet forum.
I don’t believe that the “I want something from you, but it’s up to you to contact me about it” type of approach is likely to bear any fruit whatsoever.